Statement from the Stomata Group

Infiltration rate and sands in turf base layers

Low infiltration rates, caused by excessive proportions of silt and fine-grained sands, are a common problem in RTS. The accumulation of organic material over the years further exacerbates the situation.

Compaction and water build-up occur and roots recede. Visible symptoms include thatch, moss, algae, black layer, high disease pressure and increasing proportions of undesirable species.

In extreme heat and soil temperatures above 25° C, as often occurred in 2022, the plants find themselves in stressful situations. The significantly increased residence time of excess water in the RTS reduces the possibility of using water for cooling. When water is saturated, Pythium and other lawn diseases have an easy time of it.

An increase in the infiltration rate of built-up RTS is only possible through consistent and intensive mechanical tillage. This massively affects gaming operations and the subsequent costs increase incalculably.

Sustainability begins with the installation of a suitable RTS, manufactured using tested sands and aggregates that ensure adequate infiltration rate and water holding capacity.

The Stomata working group advocates that the minimum infiltration rate for newly installed RTS should be at least 80 mm/h, preferably 100 mm/h.

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as your contact person for the Stomata group, I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have, I would be happy to contact you by e-mail, thank you.

Very best regards

Norbert Lischka

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