Stomata recommendations

Nitrogen requirements

The nitrogen requirements of golf lawn grasses take into account the following parameters, among others:

  • Base layers, game rounds, location, size and age of the playing area.
  • Replenishment from organic matter in the soil.
  • Atmospheric inputs.
  • Cutting volume

Grass type + dominance of

Gram N/m² /year

Functional surface

Agrostis stolonifera

8 – 15 (18*)

Green, (tee)

Festuca rubra commutata/ trichophylla.

5 – 10 (12*)

Green, tee

Lolium perenne

6 – 12 (18*)


Poa pratensis

6 – 12 (18*)


*if necessary with very high intensity of use or in the year of sowing.

The quantities are based on the Stomata Greenkeepers' many years of experience. Organic, preferably plant-based fertilizers are preferred; fertilization must not trigger any surge growth. Poa annua promotes long-term exceedance of the recommended values. With N fertilizer applications of around 30 g/m² a and frequent scarification, a pure Poa population will develop in a few years.

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as your contact person for the Stomata group, I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have, I would be happy to contact you by e-mail, thank you.

Very best regards

Norbert Lischka

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