Chiemsee Golf Club

Stomata meeting in Prien

After the meeting was canceled in 2020 due to corona, the members were able to meet again on November 12th/13th for the annual exchange.
This time we visited the golf course of the Chiemsee Golf Club in Prien. The course maintained by Philipp Eins was in excellent condition and playability. The greens and tees appeared healthy and, despite a wide variety of structures, of a homogeneous quality with a very good mix of Festuca species and Agrostis stolinifera. Poa annua only occurs in small proportions. Snow mold was not present - without treatment.

On Saturday there was a detailed agenda to be worked through. In addition to organizational matters and travel reports, the following main topics of discussion included:

  • How can we succeed in permanently attracting more greenkeepers?
  • How can we work with Mehlich3 extraction and MLSN in the future, especially with Festuca stocks?
  • What amounts of nutrients does STOMATA recommend for golf turf care?

Beim Thema Stickstoffbedarf der Golfrasengräser war die praktische Erfahrung der Teilnehmer gefragt. Diskutiert wurde über Nachlieferung aus organischer Substanz im Boden, atmosphärische Einträge, Umstellungsprobleme, Schnittgutvolumen, Tragschichten, Spielrunden, Alter der Grüns. Am Ende konnte man sich sehr schnell auf die in der Tabelle angegebenen Werte einigen.

Grass type + dominance of

g N/m² a

Functional surface

Agrostis stolonifera

8 – 15 (18*)

Green, (tee)

Festuca rubra commutata/ trichophylla.

5 – 10 (12*)

Green, (tee)

Lolium perenne

6 – 12 (18*)


Poa pratensis

6 – 12 (18*)


*with very high usage intensity and in the sowing year

The quantities are based on the Stomata Greenkeepers' many years of experience. Organic, preferably plant-based fertilizers are preferred; fertilization must not trigger any surge growth. Poa annua promotes long-term exceedance of the recommended values. With N fertilizer applications of around 30 g/m² a and frequent scarification, a pure Poa population will develop in a few years.

Who is STOMATA? The Sustainable Greenkeeping Germany working group consists of practicing greenkeepers and lawn experts.
The aim is ecologically and economically sensible and qualified lawn care according to the principles of disturbance theory, current research results and the requirements of advancing climate change.
The working group's website is currently being revised and will be available again from February 2022.

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We look forward to your


Your contact person

Dear interested parties,

as your contact person for the Stomata group, I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have, I would be happy to contact you by e-mail, thank you.

Very best regards

Norbert Lischka

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